Saturday, August 6, 2011

Announcements - Definition of Relative in Chapter-IV of the Council General Guidelines, 2008 - (29-07-2011)

No. ICAI/ESB//2011/02

All the members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) are
 hereby informed that in terms of its decision taken at the 299th Meeting of the 
Council held on 27th – 28th October, 2010, it has been decided that the term 
“relative” for the purpose of Chapter-IV of Council General Guidelines, 2008 
(Opinion on Financial Statements when there is substantial interest) 
will have the same meaning as assigned to it in AS-18..

Accordingly, the Chapter IV of the Council General Guidelines, 2008 as appended
 to the ICAI publication titled “The Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 “ is modified 
and modified version shall read as under -

“Chapter IV
Opinion on financial statements when there is 
substantial interest
4.0 A member of the Institute shall not express his opinion on financial statements 
of any business or enterprise in which one or more persons who are his “relatives
” within the meaning of Accounting Standard (AS - 18) has / have, either by themselves
 or in conjunction with such member, a substantial interest  in the said business
 or enterprise.

Explanation: For this purpose and for the purpose of compliance of Clause (4) 
of Part I of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, the expression
 “substantial interest” shall have the same meaning as is assigned thereto under 
Appendix (9) to the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988. “

This decision shall be in force with effect from 28th June, 2011
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